
Archive for October, 2010

God Transforms for His Glory

October 11th, 2010
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I grew up in smaller churches. I served in a smaller church. We never needed small groups; the whole congregation was a small group. The families knew each other, the kids played together and we’d never been introduced to deconstructionist theology; we simply believed the Bible to be infallible and inerrant. The fellow Christians with whom I served likewise didn’t know better than to confess to one another and pray together earnestly. It never occurred to me to view my faith as anything other than vibrant and alive as a child and young man. Our Wednesday night meetings were several congregational songs followed by the whole church coming forward to the dais, sitting in the first few pews for those who were older, sitting or kneeling at the altar to share prayer requests aloud with one another and then spend time as first one person and then another prayed for the requests aloud with one designated member closing the prayer meeting. Singing and praying; it was a series of events enjoined in devotion and sincerity that I can only now begin to appreciate.

Job: C.S. Lewis Was Right, God’s Not A Tame Lion

October 5th, 2010
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In my first post I mentioned how much I find the book of Job to be a blessing. While discussing this with a friend he took a different view of Job. This post and hopefully several subsequent posts will be my attempt to share some of the things from Job that mean a lot to me.

Job chapter 1

Categories: Bible Study Tags: , , , , , ,

Getting Involved Again

October 1st, 2010
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It’s been years since I took a high degree of personal responsibility in exercising my faith publicly.

I used to work in a small church as an assistant pastor, worship leader, Sunday school teacher, prayer leader, pew cleaner, grass mower, in-home visitor, transportation provider … you name a service small churches provide and I’ve probably done it.  I’ve been through several neighborhoods in southeast TN door-to-door.  I’ve prepared sermons, studied, prayed, fallen flat on my face in front of hundreds of folks and had the blessing of being present when the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob spoke through me.

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